Day 12: October 27, 2024
Philippians 3:12-14 NLT
“I don’t mean to say that I have already achieved these things or that I have already reached perfection. But I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me. No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.”
We know we have a hope and a future because of Jesus. That hope and future is what we press forward toward every day. But there is a more immediate pressing that we must embrace, a pressing onto godliness. When others say, you are doing great, when the world says, you don’t need to be so steadfast about this God thing. We can have a mixture of world, flesh and Jesus and we say I am fine. What does God say?
The Bible tells us Enoch walked with God, Enoch pleased God it is telling us Enoch’s devotion to God was so intense that it changed his behavior. His relationship with God changed his conduct, his language, everything he did pleased God. We cannot build Christian behavior, conduct, language without a deep foundation of a life devoted to God.
Devotion consists of the fear of God, the love for God, the desire for God. We should ask ourselves, on a consistent basis, is my heart devoted to God? Not how many conferences I have been to, not the number of times a week I am in church, all important for sure but do not offer the full gauge of devotion.
We cannot be cultural Christians. People may say yes, I’m a believer but that doesn’t mean they follow Jesus Christ. A cultural Christian will not be in unity with the plan of God for His church. Is my life so devoted to God that my life becomes a beacon for all to see. Or does my life have many places that say it is okay to act and be like the world as long as Jesus is my Lord. You can’t press into the call on your life, that call is first living and speaking like the King. We can’t be speaking poorly about other Christians or churches and then say I am devoted.
Points to Ponder
Do you long for God? Do you fear God? Is He your everything?
We all have a call on our lives, a call of devotion. Be honest, are you devoted to Him and Him alone?
May we pray that God would strengthen us so we can be united for the cause of Christ.
Prayer Focus:
God, thank you for loving me when I am unlovely. Thank you for continuing to pursue a relationship with me even when I don’t put You first in my life. Guide me, help me to pursue you first in every place in my life. I need Your help so I can be filled with a desire for You. Use me Lord to be a light of unity in my community. In Jesus Name, Amen.