Acts of the Apostles - part 22: Recognizing the Enemy
Oct 6, 2024 • Pastor Chris Sherwood
Questions for Further Study
1. Have you confronted an “anti-Christ” (see 1 Jn 2:22)? Describe what
2. Have you seen a prophet at work (Acts 13:9-12)? What is your reaction
to how Paul handled BarJesus?
3. Luke extensively compares the false prophet (Elymas) to a true prophet
(Paul). What part of that comparison stands out to you?
4. Read Acts 13:12. What are the implications regarding the intersection
between Spiritual power and Biblical teaching?
5. 6. What is your understanding of “magic” in the world today?
Describe your understanding (or experiences) of how Christians ought
to handle demonic activity.