Acts of the Apostles - part 30: Holy Spirit Working
Jan 19, 2025 • Pastor Chris Sherwood
Questions for Further Study
Do you consider yourself Pentecostal? Charismatic? Why or why not? (Definitions above in Part II, D, 1 & 2)
How do you interact with those who think differently about Spiritual Gifts and their use today?
Have you experienced a “supernatural event” like exorcism, demonic activity, seance, etc? Explain.
Do you agree/disagree with Pastor Chris regarding magic in fiction (movies, books, games, etc) versus genuine attempts at supernatural action (mediums, witches, Ouija board, etc)? Explain.
What do you think of Blackaby’s quote: WHEN YOU DO NOT FEAR GOD, YOU WILL NOT FEAR SIN?
How does “fearing God” work itself out in daily life?